Bosentino - Trento pipeline DN 400 (16")

Execution of all works, including complementary works of land development and containment, defense and hydraulic regulation and special restoration, services and supplies (excluding those provided for at the expense of the Customer) necessary for the construction of - Gas pipeline 1: Bosentino - Trento DN 400 (16") gas pipeline with a length of approximately 8,160 m calculated net of the departure and arrival facilities, including the construction of the related line facilities, complementary works, etc., (excluding Gas Pipeline 2); - Gas Pipeline 2: Gas Pipeline Bosentino - Trento DN 400 (16") for the part relating to the opencut crossing of the Adige River - Motorway A22 Modena - Brennero progressive km. 144.105 by means of controlled horizontal drilling (TOC subcontracted) DN 400 (16") from P.235 + Gas pipeline 3: Derivation gas pipeline for the Valsugana DN 250 (10") - Variant opencut crossing the Adige River - A22 Motorway Modena - Brennero progressive km. 144.111 - length approx. 440 m, by controlled horizontal drilling (TOC subcontracted) - (dis. LC-7E-81118) - executed as So.Co.Met.

Project detail


Bosentino - Trento pipeline DN 400 (16")


Snam Rete Gas


Bosentino - Trento (Italy)

Work duration