
PBR Technology is aware of the importance of a correct management of its processes and activities with impacts on the quality of the services provided, on the environment and on health and safety in the workplace, in order to achieve the complete satisfaction of the Customer's needs. , a high degree of environmental protection and reduce the dangers of accidents and occupational diseases.
With a view to continuous improvement, the company has implemented an Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment and Safety in compliance with the principles dictated by the international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 and intends to pursue the following general objectives:
• operate according to the rigorous standards imposed by its customers in terms of quality and protection of the environment and health and safety in the workplace;
• increase the technical and technological content of the works carried out;

To achieve and maintain these objectives, the Company undertakes to:
• satisfy the Customer's requirements and continuously improve the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System;
• involve all staff working on behalf of the organization to ensure the prevention of pollution, accidents and occupational diseases, the continuous improvement of the performance of the Integrated Management System and compliance with the corporate disciplinary code;
• comply with the legal requirements applicable to the activities carried out and other requirements that the organization has signed regarding its environmental aspects and the risks to health and safety in the workplace;
• define objectives aimed at reducing the degree of significance of "non-quality" risks and risks to the environment and safety;
• prevent and manage emergencies;
• communicate this policy to all people who work for the organization or on its behalf, so that everyone is aware of the commitments made for customer satisfaction and the protection of the environment and health and safety;
• includes the commitment to consultation and participation of workers and, where established, of workers' representatives;
• periodically review this policy, so that it remains relevant and appropriate to the organization.

ISO 9001

ISO 14001

ISO 45001

Company policy

Gender equality policy